Blog Outline

In 52 brief snapshots we will try to paint a picture of Jesus as hinted at, indicated, outlined and glimpsed in the Old Testament. We will not be providing a comprehensive study but we hope it will be both accessible and helpful to you and serve to deepen both your understanding of, and relationship with, the greatest man who ever lived.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

The Servant (1): Introducing the Servant

Isaiah 42:1-9

In Isaiah’s mammoth prophecy are hidden some so-called ‘Servant Songs’. These prophetic messages talk of a Servant who is sent by God on a mission. The Servant Songs reveal elements of this mission and also give a description showing what the Servant will be like. As we look at these Servant Songs over the course of the next few posts you will see that Jesus is the ultimate fulfilment of them Servant Songs.

The Servant is first of all described by God as ‘My Servant whom I uphold, My chosen one in whom My soul delights’ (v1). It is clear that God delights in His Servant! When God speaks at both Jesus’ baptism and His transfiguration (see Matthew 3:17 and 17:5) He declares His love for Jesus and His pleasure in Him. This is a big pointer from God saying that this is the long-expected Servant.

The Song goes on to describe how the Spirit will be upon the Servant (v1). Again, looking at Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit descends in the form of a dove and rests on Him (Matthew 3:16).

The ministry of the Servant will be marked out by the bringing of justice (vv1,3). The Song seems to describe that this will come about in a strange way. The Servant will not be brash or attention-seeking (v2). He will instead be someone who is gentle and considerate in his approach, His mission being marked out by not breaking bruised reeds or snuffing out dimly burning wicks (v3). We see this approach time and again in the ministry of Jesus as He interacts with the marginalised and weak in society with extreme grace and mercy. One only has to think of the woman at the well (John 4), the woman caught in adultery (John 8) and Zaccheus (Luke 19) to name but a few. In fact, Matthew 12:15-23 summarises some of Jesus’ ministry by quoting this Song before immediately recounting how he healed a demon-possessed blind and mute man.

So Isaiah introduces the Servant. It will transpire that the Servant is going to be God’s incredible Son who will be on a grace-filled rescue mission.

Further reading:           Matthew 12:15-23

Worship Video:

To think about:
Jesus was sent from God with a mission. Do you know what mission God has planned for you? Sometimes our mission can be just ‘for a season’. Have you had seasons where you know you have been following a mission from God? What season are you in now?

Creative response:
Journal page by Bernice

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